Doug Palin

January 23, 2025

Email Retention – New feature

Check out the new “email retention” interface on for customers wishing to managing individual folders in their mailbox. This allows you to setup the amount of time in days (minimum of 30) you wish to retain email. This will remove from your device as well if you are setup for IMAP.
December 30, 2024

Outgoing email Change

We recently have added a restriction to that the sending email address must be a valid email address on our servers.  Meaning that if you mail software is setup incorrectly and trying to send out using an email address from another mail provider such as,, and many others our server will not allow the message to be send and give an error message.  Please check with the other provider you are trying to send email out using that email address as it is a software configuration problem with your setup with the other email provider.
November 30, 2024

Microsoft email filtering issue

11/30/2024 – 6:13PM   We are aware of an issue with email being sent to Microsoft email services (,, and others). We have been working with Microsoft for a few hours now, they are supposed to remove the blocks. Sadly they have not been able to provide any details as to why we are having this issue with one of our servers. They have told us they don’t see the issue, then minutes later that it will be resolved in 24-48 hours then a few minutes later are claiming there is nothing wrong.   Please monitor this page […]
August 2, 2024 mail servers – Bouncing email

8/2/2024 – 10:00AM –  We learned of an issue with the mail servers bouncing email this morning from some sites, Office 365 and Gmail were included. This was caused by one of the anti-spam services that we use. We have disabled that service for now and will enable once we are sure the issue is resolved.  This should not result in a noticeable increase in spam as we have other checks in place.
July 16, 2024

Easystreet Business Email – speed issues

7/16/2024 – 10:45AM –  Our network team has been analyzing traces and escalating identified issues to upstream providers. We are getting reports that things are improving, though not completely resolved. Users are experiencing slow webmail response time, but the timeouts and load failures appear to be diminishing. We will keep you updated here.