Q – I have a bunch of rates on my account I don’t use any more, why are you charging me for these.

A – Well simply put if we don’t hear that you want to make changes we typically don’t know this. Let us know and we will be happy to adjust your account going forward.

Q – Why am I getting an invoice for a partial months service.

A – We have some accounts that were renewing on the day of the month not the full month. It was necessary to sync up these accounts at renewal with the calendar month going forward. This largely affected only the Easystreet accounts when we imported them into billing.

Q – I have been paying Atmosera all this time and didn’t know about the change what do I do to get that refunded?

A – We know about several people in this situation and are working with Atmosera to transfer those payments for those of you that missed the notifications. We will post those payments to your account.

Q – I want to pay by check will you let me do that?

A – Of course, while we would prefer to automate as much as possible we know many of our customers will want to send a check to us. You can mail a check or use your banks bill pay to us at

Infinity Internet
PO BOX 873116
Vancouver, WA 98687-3116

Q – Can I set up recurring or automatic payments?

A – Yes, there are a few ways to do this. First and the easiest way is to make a payment through our billing portal. There will be an option to select either one time or automatic payments. If you select automatic payments then future charges for your account will be automatic. The second option through our billing portal is to select the Billing Info link on the left and add your credit card or banking information and then change the statement method to which ever you used. Finally if the first two options don’t work give us a call and we will enter your card number.

Q – I want to have you send me a paper bill not email bills each month, how do I get you to do this?

A – You can print your invoices in our billing portal, there are a small number of exceptions for customers we will send invoices in the mail to but these are a rare exception. The large reason for this is well we are small and really don’t have the resources to do large mail runs at this point in our evolution.

Q – How do I get a refund if I cancel service.

A – We are of course sorry to see you go and will set your service to cancel at the end of the current term regardless if you use it or not going forward. All we ask is you let us know by the 25th of the month prior to renewal of the services.

Q – What are the billing periods

A – We bill for service one month in advance of the start of the service period. For example say you have an annual account which the service period is 1/1 – 12/31 we would bill for that in November for the upcoming year. While we prefer that our customers be on an annual plan we do offer shorter terms for many of our accounts.

Q – Are you planning to raise rates after buying the company?

A – This is not a simple answer, we know that some rates are too low and in some cases we are losing money on them. We will be evaluating rates as we move forward like any good business should. We will make all attempts to be fair with our customers and do appreciate the business.